A VIDEO paying tribute to an astonishing nurse who “declared war on Hitler” and saved more than 2,500 Jewish children from the grasp of the evil Nazi regime has gone viral.
Irena Sendler, who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1910, has been hailed as one of the Second World War’s great heroes for her extraordinary efforts during the Holocaust.
In 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, the then 29-year-old decided she would do everything within her power to help Jews survive the Nazi brutality.
The kind-hearted woman began aiding the hunted people with food and shelter, as the regime evicted them from their homes and forced them out of labour.

Irena Sendler saved more than 2,500 Jewish children from the Nazis
However in 1940, when the Warsaw Ghetto, which forced more than 450,000 woman, children and men together into an area the same size of New York’s Central Park, was created Sendler could no longer access the isolated Jews.
Refusing to yield to the overwhelming cruelty, the brave woman began saving children from the inhuman camp, which had 10 feet high walls topped with barbed wire, to stop the desperate and starved captives from escaping.
As anyone who was caught aiding the Jews was shot on the spot, she risked her own life by infiltrating the camp.
The nurse used her papers as a Polish social worker to gain access to the Ghetto where she distributed more than 3,000 false documents to help families flee Nazi prosecution.

The brave nurse saved the children out of the Warsaw Ghetto
Sendler also developed a series of other methods to smuggle children out of the heavily guarded camp, including hiding them in ambulances, in suitcases or through secret underground tunnels under Ghetto walls.
Speaking about her effort after the war, Sendler, who passed away in May 2008, described the conditions of the Warsaw Jews as “pure hell”.
The heroic woman said: “If you had seen the Ghetto, [it was] pure hell beyond description.
If you had seen the Ghetto, [it was] pure hell beyond description

On October 20, 1943 the brutal regime discovered what Sendler had done and arrested her
“So I gathered give of my co-workers and said: ‘listen, we have to declare war on Hitler!’”
The extraordinary woman saved more than 2,500 children and hid their names away for safe keeping so they could be reunited with their families once the war was over before she has caught by the Nazis.
On October 20, 1943 the brutal regime discovered what Sendler had done and arrested her, but despite horrendous torture, where she her her legs and feet fractured, she refused to tell her interrogators where the children were.
Despite being sentenced to death for her “crimes”, Sendler escaped and survived the war after her co-workers bribed a German executioner to help her escape.
After the war, the nurse returned to the spot where she had hidden the names of the children and reunited them with the parents who had survived the death camps.
Most of the parents perished in death camp Treblinka, one of the Nazi’s largest extermination camps.
After the war, Sendler said: “Every child saved with my help is the justification of my existence on this earth and not a title to my glory.”
To learn more about the extraordinary woman, visit: http://www.irenasendler.org/
Originally Published HERE