#LightwithMOTL Hanukkah Social Media Campaign

We soon look to celebrate Hanukkah, which begins on the evening of December 2, 2018, the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev. Similar to the miracle of the United Nations vote in 1947, Hanukkah commemorates the miraculous reconquering of Jerusalem and restoration of service in the Holy Temple by the Maccabees in the times of the Second Temple. The miracle of the Jewish army’s strength was as present during the times of Hanukkah as it is now in the Israeli army. We celebrate by lighting an additional candle each night until our Menorah is full with eight candles, sharing the light of the Jewish nation with the rest of the world.

We hope you will join our #LightwithMOTL social media campaign to symbolically light candles together as one March of the Living Alumni community across the world!

Please take a picture as you light candles, wearing your blue jackets and other March gear, and POST on social media with #LightWithMOTL #Hanukkah @MOTLorg and #marchoftheliving.