Statement on Never Again Education Act

International March of the Living applauds the US Senate for unanimously passing the Never Again Education Act promoting Holocaust education in the United States.

We are proud to be among the many supporters of this most important and timely initiative and are grateful to the endorsement of the United Congress in its bipartisan commitment to the future of Holocaust education. The March of the Living thanks President Trump and his administration for furthering the passage of the Never Again Education Act which will assist the American school system in delivering the messages of the Holocaust and the lessons society must learn from this time in history. At a time of rising antisemitism where Jews and Israel are routinely blamed for the COVID-19 pandemic, this legislation has not come one day too soon” said Phyllis Greenberg Heideman, President of the International March of the Living.

Recent studies show that almost 20% of American adults feel that  Jews talk too much about the Holocaust,  that almost two-thirds of American millennials were not aware of Auschwitz, and  almost one quarter of them did not have any knowledge of the Holocaust.

“Holocaust Education is the best antidote we have to combat antisemitism and 

racism and one of the most important tools we have to prevent future genocides against the Jewish people and all other innocent victims,” said MOTL Chairman Dr Shmuel Rosenman.

The March of the Living brings students, Holocaust survivors, educators and distinguished leaders from over 40 countries around the world to Auschwitz to Birkenau to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, where they march side by side in memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and against prejudice, intolerance and hate.  The March of the Living is the largest Holocaust education program of its kind, directly impacting over 260,000 participants since its inception in 1988.