New educational resources from USC Shoah Foundation and International March of the Living

We are pleased to share with you a joint project of USC Shoah Foundation and International March of the Living using the most recent technologies to preserve and enhance testimony of Holocaust survivors.

IWitness Introduction to Auschwitz

This lesson activity in IWitness allows for delegations to engage students/participants online and is comprised of an introduction to the Auschwitz camp complex with Holocaust survivor testimony clips.

IWalk in Auschwitz and Krakow

IWalk activity: Auschwitz – Block 21 with Holocaust survivor and March Of The Living educator Max Eisen. It is an activity using your IWalk app on your phone; medical themed; located in Category Poland and Organizations under IMOL. A second IWalk activity located on the same page features a visit to Krakow augmented by Holocaust Survivor testimony.

Please download the app IWalk – USC Shoah Foundation by clicking on one of the buttons below.  

Once you have downloaded it please click on Organizations then “International March of the Living” logo. You will see two activities available.

This 20 min. activity includes clips of Max Eisen’s 360 interview footage; including the story of his rescue by a Polish doctor in Auschwitz, as Max tells his story in front of Block 21 where his life was saved.

A second IWalk featuring Holocaust survivor and March of the Living educator Edward Mosberg guiding viewers around his home town of Krakow is also available on the same page.

IWitness Resource Page for the Medicine and Morality Seminar on Erev Yom Hashoah

Explore curated clips of testimony on topics related to Medicine and the Holocaust, including testimony from Holocaust Eva Kor, survivor of the Mengele experiments, survivorFreda Weiss remembering Auschwitz doctor Gizella Perl who saved her life in the camps, and survivor Max Eisen’s rescue by Polish doctor mentioned above. Tipis covered include: Medical and research ethics; Eugenics; Euthanasia and forced sterilization; Medical experimentation; Role of medical professionals in society; Geriatrics (dementia, social factors and risk); Trauma and memory.