Students learn from survivors


Holocaust survivors share stories with students at Student Awareness Day. Courtesy (xxxx / Courtesy)

Miami-Dade College students were inspired by courageous stories that Holocaust survivors shared with them in round table discussions.

This took place at MDC‘s North Campus during a recent Student Awareness Day presented by the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center (HDEC). There were 130 students who heard discussions from approximately 13 Holocaust survivors and a couple of second generation survivors who told their parents’ stories.

Rositta Kenigsberg, president of the HDEC, said these events are so important and meaningful to the survivors for them to share their stories with the students.

“It gives them the opportunity to tell their story, share their story and make sure that their story doesn’t become the story of the students that they impact during the day. That’s their major focus and will and purpose – to make sure that what happened to them does not happen to these students. And that’s why they tell their stories over and over again no matter how painful and difficult it is.”

Cara Gluskoter, associate professor of sociology at MDC, said: “We have the Student Awareness Day every year and it’s definitely one of the most dynamic and powerful events that we put on for our students.”