Alumni Q&A: Donna Dambrot, HTMC Long Island, 2016

What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with?

Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County, Friends of MOTL

What was the most memorable moment of your experience?

The March itself and the presentations in Birkrnau were touching, empowering and beautiful.

What impact did Poland have on you?

Visiting the camps, ghetto sites, mass graveyards and synagogues allowed me to know my murdered cousins and mourn for them. It also empowers he to work in the community so that Never Again is a meaningful action term not a slogan only.

What impact did Israel have on you?

I have not gone to Israel as part of MOTL.

How were you impacted by the overall experience?

Immensely. It changed my life and brought me back to my Judaism and to reform observance. I became an adult bat mitzvah. I cannot quantify how much MOTL transformed my heart and my life.

What else would you like to share about your experience?

I feel called to visit each year. I am hoping to become an educator and/or be present with a group.