“I went on the March in 1994 with MetroWest NJ. I made some amazing friends and had amazing experiences. However, I have found it difficult to discuss amongst friends that have never been on the March. Throughout the years I have run into other March alum… we all share the same experiences and discuss with each other. But when I meet people who don’t know about the March, I feel like I describe it to them as though I am reading from a brochure. The experiences I had, the emotions I felt and are still dealing with today — is something no one else, but another alum can understand. It connects us not only as Jews but as someone who has a shared experience. We are not survivors, but children or grandchildren of survivors telling their stories. Some of us were lucky enough not to have lost family – but we are here to tell the stories of those families who have no one to tell it for them. We are here so no one will ever forget.”
Alumni Reflection: Beth Strum, USA, 1994