Alumni Reflection: David Karpel

What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with?

Leo Martin with Center for Advancement of Jewish Education in Miami

Year(s) attended:


What was the most memorable moment of your experience?

Walking among the stones at Treblinka was powerful, but I most remember the mausoleum at Majdanek.

What impact did Poland have on you?

My understanding of the conditions is more visceral than books, movies, or lectures can provide.

What impact did Israel have on you?

If felt like home and it has never stopped calling me back. And I still have not gone back.

How were you impacted by the overall experience?

I can close my eyes and still see myself holding barbed wire or running my fingers along the concrete walls inside the shower rooms.

What else would you like to share about your experience?

It remains unforgettable.