Alumni Reflections: Dinah Kramer, HMTC, 2016

What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? HMTC

Year(s) attended: 2016

What was the most memorable moment of your experience? There are many, but the most powerful were standing in Auschwitz knowing that my father and his siblings were there, visiting Treblinka, where many of my relatives were murdered and walking in the forest.

What impact did Poland have on you? Being in Poland makes you appreciate the need for Israel’s existence more than traveling to Israel. I was also taken by the lack of responsibility on the part of the Polish people – they blame the Germans or the Communists.

What impact did Israel have on you? Our delegation did not continue to Israel because of time constraints. I see the need for going to Israel especially for the students.

How were you impacted by the overall experience? I’m still processing it. But what really impressed me was the enormity of Auschwitz and Majdanek and the systematic well thought out process the Nazis implemented.