Alumni Reflections: Juli Grimberg, Martin Buber Argentina, 2014

What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? Martin Buber Argentina

Year(s) attended: 2014

What was the most memorable moment of your experience? Cantar el Hatikva en frente de la camara de gas.

Translation: Singing the Hatikva in front of the gas chambers.

What impact did Poland have on you? Me parecio un pais que esta en proceso de construccion, que nunca deja de recordar lo que paso

Translation: It seemed like a country that is under construction and that never stops remembering what happened

What impact did Israel have on you? Mucha convivencia de distintas religiones, me impacto el contraste

Translation: I was impacted by the contrast of a lot of coexistence between different religions

How were you impacted by the overall experience? Emocionalmente fue un shock. No es facil pasar por una experiencia asi, hoy en dia sigo pensando y analizando lo vivido y descubro cosas nuevas

Translation: Emotionally it was shocking. It is not easy to go through such an experience, today I still think and analyze the experience and discover new things

What else would you like to share about your experience? Fue un viaje increible. Tiene su lado emocional y su lado divertido. Pasar por israel despues de polonia te renueva el animo y es una fiesta

Translation: It was an incredible journey. It has an emotional side and a fun side. Going to Israel after Poland renews your mood and is a party!