Alumni Reflections: Stephen Liebowitz, BBYO, 2011

What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? BBYO

Year(s) attended: 2011

What was the most memorable moment of your experience? Walking out of the gas chamber in Majdanek, reflecting on what I saw within those four walls.

What impact did Poland have on you? Poland is a memorial to dead Jews, and my dead family.

What impact did Israel have on you? Israel, was the light of the trip. Going to Israel was like going from hell to heaven.

How were you impacted by the overall experience? My overall experience hit home for me. My grandparents were survivors, and walking in my family’s footsteps and seeing first hand what they went through for years was the point that hit home.

What else would you like to share about your experience? That I believe Jew and Non-Jew alike should go on this trip, and view firsthand the atrocities of the Holocaust.