Yehoshua and Jordyn Stauber (Broward ’15), Artist and Gallery Owners
This month we are proud to feature March of the Living alumni Yehoshua and Jordyn Stauber, originally from Broward County, Florida. These two participants not only met each other on the March of the Living, later to marry and form a family, but their experience on the program also influenced their choice to move to Israel. They subsequently opened an art gallery showcasing their photography of the land of Israel. To learn more about the Staubers, scroll down to watch the recording of their private tour at the bottom of this post.
The two of us both grew up in South Florida, but in completely separate worlds. Our worlds collided on March of the Living when we attended the program with the Broward County delegation in 2015, and our journey together through life began.
Reflecting back on our experience with March of the Living, we have agreed that the most impactful part of the trip was traveling straight from Poland to Israel. Experiencing the horrors of the camps in Poland, together with thousands of others from around the world, brought about a dual feeling: on the one hand – tragic loss, and on the other – tremendous gratitude and pride. By traveling straight afterwards to the Land where this gratitude and Jewish pride shine, the takeaway was clear.

This life-changing trip propelled us forward to where we are now. Not only did we meet each other on the March of the Living, but it paved a foundation for our lives filled with Jewish pride and love for the Land of Israel.
After the March, Yehoshua studied at a Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and Jordyn went on to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania. We got married in 2018 and shortly after manifested our dream to make Aliyah to Israel. We are now living in Jerusalem together with our two-year-old daughter, Eliana Ruth.
Merging our love for Israel and Yehoshua’s passionate creativity, our business Y.A. Fine Art was born.

We opened our first gallery in Jerusalem in 2019 showcasing Yehoshua’s breathtaking fine art photography of the Land of Israel. The comment we love the most is: “THIS is Israel?” The answer is always… “Yes!”
From the desert in the south to the northern mountain tops, from the coast of the Mediterranean to the majesty of Jerusalem, we have the opportunity to travel the full breadth of the Land and share its wonder with the world through Yehoshua’s art. We recently released our first book, Land of Life, which contains Yehoshua’s growing body of photographs of Israel along with his inspiring written reflections on each piece.

Looking back throughout our story together, it is abundantly clear that March of the Living has shaped us into the people that we are today. We are incredibly proud and grateful to continue to march on, proud of our Jewish identity and eager to share the beauty and love of Israel with the world.
On August 25, 2021 the International March of the Living hosted a private tour of the Y.A. Fine Art Gallery in Jerusalem which you can view by clicking on the video player below.