• A child Holocaust survivA child Holocaust survivor speaksor speaks

    Despite spending a significant part of his childhood in a Nazi concentration camp, Robert Narev holds no animosity towards the German people of today. Narev spoke at Expressions this week, at The Shadows of Shoah exhibition. The exhibition is photographer Perry Trotter’s attempt to reflect the humanity behind the Holocaust’s grim statistics. Narev reluctantly returned […]

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  • Auschwitz trial: three survivors describe horrors of Holocaust

    Youngest witness, now 90, recalls terror of selection days, when SS men decided who was still fit to work and who should be killed Reinhold Hanning in court in Detmold, Germany. Photograph: Reuters Associated Press in Detmold Friday 12 February 201610.16 ESTLast modified on Friday 12 February 201620.00 EST Three Holocaust survivors have testified about the horrors […]

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  • Merkel to open Shoah exhibit with warning on migrant anti-Semitism

    BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel will open Monday the exhibition “The Art of the Holocaust,” featuring works created by concentration camp prisoners, as the German leader pledged to combat the threat of rising anti-Semitism. The show brings together 100 works on loan from Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial by 50 artists created in secret between […]

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  • Israel Decries Facebook, YouTube Policy Allowing Anti-Jewish Incitement, Holocaust Denial on Pages

    An official in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs slammed Facebook and YouTube for rejecting repeated requests to automatically intercept content that could lead to assaults against Jews, the Hebrew news site nrgreported on Monday. Akiva Tor, head of the Foreign Ministry’s World Jewish Affairs and World Religions Bureau, expressed his dismay during a speech before a gathering of […]

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  • Israel illiteracy rampant among young Jews, US Jewish leader warns

    Forty-five years ago in New York, a 20-something Malcolm Hoenlein had a remarkable meeting with Israeli deputy prime minister Yigal Alon, who chose Hoenlein, already a proven leader, to deliver a message to American Jewry. Back then, Alon’s message was clear: “Tell American Jews, keep your money here [in the US], if you’ll invest it […]

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  • Poland to punish those who use the phrase “Polish death camp”

    Poland is drawing up new regulations to punish use of the phrase “Polish death camps” when referring to wartime Nazi concentration camps on Polish soil, Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said on Saturday. Poland has long sought to eliminate the misleading phrase from historical and newspaper accounts since it suggests the country, which was occupied by […]

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  • Serbia lawmakers pass Holocaust restitution law

    [JURIST] Serbian lawmakers on Friday approved a bill that will allow restitution of heirless and unclaimed Jewish property taken during the Holocaust. The World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) [advocacy website], which aggressively campaigned for the bill to be passed,said [AP report] that Serbia is leading the way as one of the first countries in Europe […]

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  • Lithuania pledges to publish names of 1,000 suspected Holocaust perpetrators

    Following the publication in Lithuania of a groundbreaking book on local complicity during the Holocaust, a state museum on genocide said it would publish a list of 1,000 suspected perpetrators. Terese Birute Burauskaite, who heads the Vilnius-based Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania, said her institution would “this year try to publish a book” […]

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  • Horror of Nazi Medical Experiments Emerges in Holocaust Survivor’s Account

    The chilling testimony of a survivor of Nazi medical experiments has emerged in a three-page deposition recently unearthed at the Central Zionist Archive in Jerusalem. The deposition, which carries no date, was submitted by Heinz Reimer, a Jewish survivor of several concentration camps, among them Dachau and Mauthausen. His testimony was discovered by an archivist […]

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  • The Jew Who Silenced America’s Earliest Anti-Semites

    Americans besieged by today’s hateful rhetoric would be wise to look up Jacob Henry, whose seminal defense of his own faith—and others’—was once memorized by schoolchildren everywhere. The story of the Jews in America shows how a people persecuted by Christians and Muslims in the Old World were welcomed, not just tolerated, in the New […]

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