• Why Auschwitz? Israeli Students Should Go to Where the Holocaust Really Began

    The main ceremony to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which falls tomorrow, will be held once again in Poland. The March of the Living excursions and the regular trips by high-school students – an obligatory experience for virtually every young Israeli – go only to Poland. One can argue about the contents of these trips. […]

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  • Jewish cemeteries, Holocaust memorials vandalized across Germany

    Acts of vandalism were reported at several German Jewish cemeteries and memorials in recent weeks. Unidentified individuals defaced dozens of “stumbling block” memorials in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district of Berlin, covering them with gray paint on Tuesday, according to police, who are investigating the incident. The small, brass blocks set into sidewalks note the last dwelling […]

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  • Oscar Hopeful Reveals the ‘Unmaking’ of Claude Lanzmann by His Holocaust Masterpiece

    TORONTO – Claude Lanzmann’s epic Holocaust film “Shoah” was never nominated for an Academy Award. But 30 years after its release, a new documentary about the French-Jewish filmmaker and his experiences making the nine-and-a-half-hour long masterpiece has a good shot at clinching the much-sought-after honor. “Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah” is one of five […]

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  • Wiesenthal Center reports worst global anti-Semitism incidents from past year

    Anti-Semitism sadly reared its ugly head numerous times throughout the world in 2015. “2015 was a disastrous year for anti-Semitism, across Europe, on our nation’s campuses, online and beyond,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a human rights organization. Cooper and Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the organization, […]

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  • Pardon Plea by Adolf Eichmann, Nazi War Criminal, Is Made Public

    JERUSALEM — After he was convicted and sentenced to death in Israel for his role in the annihilation of millions of Jews by Nazi Germany, Adolf Eichmann pleaded for his own life. “There is a need to draw a line between the leaders responsible and the people like me forced to serve as mere instruments […]

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  • A Drone Flew Over Auschwitz, What It Recorded Will Chill You to the Bone

    This Drone video was shot by the BBC and shows the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp as it is today – 70 years after it was liberated by Soviet soldiers. The camp in Poland is now maintained as a World Heritage Site and is visited by thousands of tourists and survivors every year. Auschwitz was the largest […]

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  • Adam Dostalek’s March of the Living Documentary

    Adam Dostalek’s March of the Living Documentary tells his emotional story of a journey to Poland and Israel. Speaking at the UN International Holocaust Memorial Day event at the Glen Eira Town Hall in Melbourne, Australia, Adam tells us about his experience and the need to continue remembering the Holocaust so that such horror will […]

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  • The Secret of the Kovno Ghetto Orchestra Discovered

    On the night of March 27-28, 1944, at the height of the “Kinder Aktion” in which 1,200 children and elderly men and women from the Kovno Ghetto were murdered and the commanders of the local Jewish police force executed, three prisoners from the ghetto were sent on a special mission. They snuck into the empty […]

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  • Farber & Rudner: The coward of Auschwitz

    In July 2015, the Regional Court of Luneburg, Germany rendered a significant verdict, finding Oskar Groening, the so-called “Accountant of Auschwitz” guilty of aiding and abetting the murder of 300,000 Jews in that Nazi concentration camp. Groening, 91, was sentenced to four years in prison. The finding and sentence were in accord with German law.  As International […]

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  • Remembrance, Commemoration, Education, and Celebrating Life

    Eli Rubenstein, the director of the Canadian segment of the March of the Living (MoL) for over two decades, is an educator, and an extraordinary human being. He knows and cherishes the history of his own people, the vitality of their lives as well as the tragedies, including the greatest one, the Holocaust. He celebrates […]

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