• Holocaust exhibit examines pre-war Jewish existence to ‘a life of annihilation’

    MUSKEGON, MI – A new exhibit in Muskegon is attempting to shed some light on one of the most horrific incidents in human history. “The Holocaust: A Ripple in Time” opened at the USS Silversides Submarine, 1346 Bluff St., on Nov. 9 and will remain on display until Feb. 22. More than 200 people attended […]

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  • Holocaust Survivors, Wauwatosa Business Owners’ Tale Documented In New Book

    Jack Grinbaum withheld the fact that he was Jewish from his customers; “He always felt that people who weren’t Jewish were anti-Semitic,” Weiss said. “He thought he would lose customers if they felt he was Jewish.” With a needle and thread, Jack Grinbaum sewed himself out of a concentration camp during War World II and […]

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  • Holocaust memories stitched together, one panel at a time

    LONDON – To mark the 70th anniversary of their parents’ and grandparents’ liberation from the Nazi concentration camps at the end of World War II, a group of families have stitched together – literally – their memories of the Holocaust through a vibrant patchwork of quilts. The four “memory” quilts, currently on display at London’s […]

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  • The miracle babies of Mauthausen, 70 years later

    LONDON — Wendy Holden thinks “Born Survivors” is the most important book she has ever written, and as the author of more than 30 books she would know best. But the British writer goes further. The book, she says, is not just important, but she feels she was destined to write it. “Born Survivors” is […]

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  • The American Papers that Praised Hitler

    They fell hard for the job-creating Führer with eyes that were like ‘blue larkspur.’ Why did so many journalists spend years dismissing the evidence of his atrocities? “The train arrived punctually,” a Christian Science Monitor report from Germany informed its readers, not long after Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in 1933. “Traffic was well regulated” […]

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  • Roman Polanski, 10 other Hollywood Jews open up about surviving Holocaust

    The Hollywood Reporter is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust with a feature on 11 survivors who went on to careers in American entertainment. The project, released Wednesday morning online and in print, includes moving video interviews with all the subjects, including director Roman Polanski and sex therapist Ruth Westheimer. Director Steven Spielberg, the founder […]

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  • Annotated ‘Mein Kampf’ finds support and condemnation among Jewish leaders

    While Jewish groups in Germany have expressed concern over decision to publish ‘academic’ edition of Hitler’s book, some Jewish leaders in the United Kingdom and United States say the text could help defeat Neo-Nazism. A divisive decision to publish an annotated version of Adolf Hitler’s notorious anti-Semitic screed “Mein Kampf” next month for the first […]

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  • Watch Testimony Clips in New Book from the March of the Living

    A smartphone app makes it possible to view testimony clips from the Visual History Archive that are linked to the new book Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations. Witness is inspired by the United Nations’ touring photography exhibit “When You Listen to a Witness, You Become a Witness,” which was organized by the […]

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  • Book Reveals New Info On FDR And Stephen Wise: An Interview with Historian Rafael Medoff

    Interview with Dr. Rafael Medoff, the founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of 16 books about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His latest is “The Anguish of a Jewish Leader: Stephen S. Wise and the Holocaust” (available on Kindle from Amazon.com or as a free downloadable PDF fromwww.WymanInstitute.org).   The Jewish […]

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  • Honoring the Moroccan King Who Saved the Jews

    The line to enter New York City’s B’nai Jeshurun synagogue on Sunday night went around the block. But the 700 people who crowded the sidewalk on West 88th street weren’t there for services. Or for a wedding. Or a late-night bar mitzvah. They came to celebrate a king — a Moroccan king, to be exact. […]

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