The IDF Remembers the Fallen and Protects the Living
“And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart…” (Deuteronomy 8:2) The “witnesses in uniform” delegations program sends hundreds of IDF officers each year to a special journey following […]
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‘Train of the Living’ to Memorialize 70th Anniversary of Deportation of Hungarian Jews
The Jerusalem PostBy Daniel K. Eisenbud Hundreds of high school students to ride train from Budapest to Auschwitz to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.To mark the 70th anniversary of the mass deportation and murder of over 585,000 Hungarian Jews during World War II, hundreds of highschool students from across the globe will travel by train from Budapest […]
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UN Exhibit to Honor March of the Living
“When you listen to a witness, you become a witness”On Tuesday, January 28th 2014, in the Visitor Centre, Dag Hammarskjold Library Lower Level, the United Nations will begin hosting the International March of the LivingExhibit: When You Listen to a Witness, You Become a Witness. The opening event and reception will take place that evening […]
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Young and Old Walk Hand in Hand: For 25 Years the March of the Living Has Striven to Bond High School Students with Holocaust Survivors
National Post Abigale Subhan When Holocaust survivor Anita Ekstein first visited the death camp that held her mother, she couldn’t stop shaking.She walked into the Belzec extermination camp in Poland to visit a newly opened memorial – and found her mother’s name, Ettel, etched into the wall. It was 2005, on Mother’s Day, more than 60 years after she […]
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The March of the Living Expands Its Message to Address a New Generation
Greater Miami Jewish FederationMore than a quarter century after the founding of the March of the Living, an innovative Holocaust education program for high school students, its organizers are re-examining the iconic journey to Poland and Israel and adapting new ways to make it relevant for a new generation of young Jews.“Kids are now more […]
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Thousands join March of the Living from Auschwitz to Birkenau
Y Net News By Michal MargalitAnnual event, now in its 27th year, includes delegations from 45 countries, each accompanied by a Holocaust survivor.Thousands of people from around the world arrived in Poland on Thursday for the annual March of the Living walk from the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz to the nearby Birkenau camp, as part […]
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Team MOTL has 5 Spots in the 2013 New York Marathon
We are very excited to announce that the March of the Living International is an Official Charity Partner for the 2013 New York Marathon! We have 5 coveted spots for the November 3, 2013 marathon and we invite you to share this opportunity with your local community. General entry to the 2013 ING New York […]
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You experienced something unique and powerful in your MOTL experience, which only those who have done it can truly understand. We know that feeling, as do thousands of others who have experienced MOTL like you did.It’s a powerful shift, which you’ll want to come back to in you over and over. Here’s where that begins, […]
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