Survivor Spotlight: Nate Leipciger, Canada
There is no more impactful way to tell the story of the Shoah than on the site where it took place As a child survivor who encountered the Nazi occupation at age 11, was deprived of schooling, worked since age 12, survived two ghettos, was incarcerated in Auschwitz at age 15, experienced seven death and […]
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Remembering William (Bill) Kugelman, Z”L
International March of the Living deeply mourns the loss of William (Bill) Kugelman, beloved Holocaust survivor and educator who travelled with Western Region in 2012. Bill was born in 1924 in Sosniwice, Poland. Memories of his teenage years are now more than a half-century old, but they have not dimmed. At age 15 or so, […]
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Survivor Spotlight: Rosette Goldstein, Florida, USA
Marching in Auschwitz – Birkenau is vital to show the world that we are still here I was born in Paris in 1938. My parents were born in Poland and moved to France with the rise of Hitler. When the situation for the Jews worsened in Paris, my father decided that he must take steps […]
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Survivor Spotlight: Gabor Kovacs, Hungary
The March of the Living creates a bridge between the past and the future I am Gabor Kovacs. I was born in Budapest on March 31, 1932. Immediately before the Shoah, I attended high school. It was a difficult time because even among the students, we could feel the antisemitism. The behavior of my teachers […]
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March in Thessaloniki commemorates deportation of Greek Jewry
Hundreds of people marched through the port city of Thessaloniki on Sunday, marking 80 years since the deportation of Greek Jews during the Holocaust. The commemoration comes at a time of burgeoning relations between Israel and Greece, and amid increasing awareness of what happened to the latter country’s once vibrant Jewish population when it came […]
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“Everything is important. Nothing is unimportant. Write down everything you see.” Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum who initiated the secret archives “Oneg Shabbat”
Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum was a historian, politician, social activist, and public figure in Poland during the WWII era. He initiated the secret archives “Oneg Shabbat” which documented, from the start of the war, the fate of the Jews of Warsaw and surrounding areas under the Nazi German regime. The group held secret meetings during Shabbat, […]
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“Be Strong and Courageous”, Last Words of Roza Robota, Member of the Jewish Resistance in Auschwitz-Birkenau
Roza Robota was born in 1921 in Ciechanów, Poland, a town north of Warsaw. In her teenage years she joined the Hashomer Hatzair Zionist Youth Movement. In November 1942 she was deported with her family to Auschwitz. With the exception of Roza, all were sent to the gas chambers. She was imprisoned in Auschwitz 1 […]
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Remembering Pawel Lichter, z”l
International March of the Living mourns the loss of Holocaust Survivor and Educator Pawel Lichter, Z”L, who passed away on February 9, 2023. Pawel participated in the 2017 March of the Living with the Western USA Delegation. Pawel was born on July 5th, 1931, in Rypin, Poland. In November 1939, his family was forced to […]
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Fundraising Goal Achieved for Restoration of Children’s Shoes from Auschwitz
PRESS RELEASE Fundraising Goal Achieved for Restoration of Children’s Shoes from Auschwitz International March of the Living proudly announces achieving fundraising goal of its “From Soul to Sole” campaign for the conservation of 8,000 shoes of Jewish children, mainly Jewish, murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau. International March of the Living, one of the world’s preeminent Holocaust Education […]
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