Survivor Story: Heddi Bohm
Holocaust survivor, Heddi Bohm, delivers a powerful speech about her journey to liberation.
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Poems of Life and Death
By Simcha Paull Raphael, Ph.D. From the Preface: In April 2006 I traveled to Poland as a participant on a March of the Living tour. Over the course of less than one week I visited the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Birkenau, Treblinka and Majdanek, as well as the killing fields of Tikocyn, and sites of the […]
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Highlights of the Long Term Study 2008
Jewish Identity, Faith & Practice With regard to their sense of Jewish identity, 88% agreed there was an increase in this feeling following the March of the Living. 61% felt an increase in the importance of their adherence to their Jewish faith after the March of the Living. Motivation to observe Jewish rituals showed an […]
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Survivor Story: Nate Leipciger
Why I Continue to Return to Poland: The Uniqueness of the March of the LivingThe following are my personal observations and assessments of the March. I am sure that each Survivor, student, educator and chaperon has their own list of factors that influence and are responsible for the success of the March. These comments are based on my observations and […]
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March of the Living to Auschwitz camp led by Shimon Peres
Thousands of people are expected today at the site of the Auschwitz death camp to remember the victims of the Holocaust with a solemn march. Shimon Peres, the former Israeli prime minister and a Nobel peace prize laureate, is to lead some 8,000 people, mostly students, in the March of the Living, a three-kilometer trek […]
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Suvivor Story: George Herceg
George Herceg, Holocaust survivor and March of the Living participant, shares his experience at the 2004 March. “The March of the Living is a very worthwhile cause. Every Jewish school should make an effort to send their students on this program. But not just Jewish schools – the program is for all people who care […]
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Survivor Story: Liselotte Ivry
“I went on the March of the Living in 1999 and also in 2001 as a survivor but I prefer being called a ‘Witness to History’. It was with a lot of soul-searching and trepidations that I decided to go on the March. Once I decided I was involved with the preparations, that is, meeting […]
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Survivor Story: Anita Ekstein
By Anita Helfgott Ekstein “I was a child of seven when the Nazis came to our town in Poland. We had been occupied by the Soviets for nearly the first two years of the war. We were taken to a ghetto in a larger town. My parents went daily to different work sites, in the […]
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Survivor Story: Judy Weissenberg Cohen
“My name is Judy (Weissenberg) Cohen. I was born and lived in Debrecen, Hungary with my large Orthodox family till I was 15 1/2 years old. We were seven siblings and my parents. I was the youngest. We lived quite comfortably, with other extended family members, in three separate dwellings, around a courtyard, with a […]
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Survivor Story: Max Tibor Eisen
“I was born in Moldava, Czechoslovakia in 1929 into a large religious family. I was deported to Auschwitz from Moldava (which was then in Hungary) in 1944, at age 15, where I was imprisoned from May 1944 until January 1945. My immediate and extended family was made up of approximately sixty persons which included my […]
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