Discussing MOTL 2022 with Holocaust Survivor Edward Mosberg and Polish Consul General Adrian Kubicki
In a recent meeting held at the Polish Consulate in New York, Holocaust survivor Edward Mosberg, longtime participant and supporter of the March of the Living, Phyllis Greenberg Heideman, President of International March of the Living, and Polish Consul General, Adrian Kubicki, met to discuss plans to work together on the 2022 March and beyond.
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Remembering Avraham Hirchson
International March of the Living mourns the passing of Avraham Hirchson, former Member of Knesset and Israeli Cabinet Minister who initiated the first International March of the Living in 1988 and continued to play a central role for many years. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have participated in the March of the […]
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Do Not Stand Idly By While Your Neighbor’s Blood Is Shed
#StandWithUkraine International March of the Living strongly condemns the recent humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. In specific, we object in the strongest possible terms to the Russian bombing of cities throughout Ukraine. The unprovoked Russian attack has resulted in the wounding and death of thousands of innocent civilians and the displacement of millions of refugees. […]
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Holocaust through cinema with Rich Brownstein
International March of the Living webinar “Holocaust through cinema with Rich Brownstein” held on February 17, 2021. Click on the video player below to watch the program. Rich Brownstein created a monumental guide to Holocaust related film, Holocaust Cinema Complete: A History and Analysis of 400 Films, with a Teaching Guide. This text provides context […]
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Survivor Story: Chief Rabbi Péter Kardos
CLICK FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION Kardos Péter vagyok. Kösztenbaum Péterként születtem 1936-ban, vagyis 8 éves koromban éltem át és túl a holokausztot. Kispolgári családba kerültem, mégpedig ortodox zsidó családba és ortodox életmódban telt el a gyermekkorom. Anyám háztartásbeli volt apám hivatalnok. A hivatalos holokauszt kezdet, 1944 március 19.-e a német megszállás előtt, jogfosztásokról már akkor hallottam, […]
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There is neither Greek or Jew
Benjamin Albalas, Greek Holocaust survivor, is a Jewish leader and one of the key pillars on the Greek Jewish community. Among his many titles, he is the Chair of the European March of the Living (EMOTL). Born in Athens in 1937, Benjanim Albalas was a child at the Holocaust. His family was managed to […]
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International March of the Living commends historic UN resolution condemning Holocaust denial
“Passage of this historic resolution sends a clear message to the world that the Holocaust is history’s unforgettable fact” International March of the Living President Phyllis Greenberg Heideman and Chairman Dr. Shmuel Rosenman said today in Washington and Tel Aviv: “As we continue our efforts to educate the next generation on the history of the […]
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