Congratulations to Albert Bourla – Genesis Prize Laureate for 2022
International March of the Living congratulates Albert Bourla on being chosen as the Genesis Prize Laureate for 2022. The Genesis Prize is a global award that celebrates Jewish achievement and honors extraordinary individuals for their outstanding professional achievement, contribution to humanity, and commitment to Jewish values. The appointment of Albert Bourla, two years since the […]
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“There is Neither Greek Nor Jew”: The Heroic Duo Who Saved an Entire Island From the Holocaust
“There is Neither Greek Nor Jew”: The Heroic Duo Who Saved an Entire Island From the Holocaust A Reception in Honor of Loukas Karrer & Dimitrios Chrysostomos for International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 25th, 2022, at 11:00 AM ET / 6:00 PM Athens In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day and in celebration of […]
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Liz Panitch appointed COO of the International March of the Living
We are pleased to announce Liz (Elizabeth) Panitch in her new role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the International March of the Living. In this role Liz will oversee all operations, logistics and programming for the International March of the Living. Liz has been working with the International March of the Living since 2009. […]
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Holocaust manipulation: Do not defile their memory
“She gave my dad life and then he gave me life and now I’m helping her to survive,” said Toronto physician Dr. Jordana Sacks. Given its unprecedented and total nature, the Holocaust is considered by many as the most extreme form of genocide on the continuum of crimes against humanity. In the words of historian […]
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View 360º Survivor Testimony on Location at Historical Sites in Partnership with the USC Shoah Foundation
The program captures and processes 360-degree testimonies on location with survivors at places critical to their stories. Recording survivors on location sparks particular memories and provides a visceral experience for viewers, who are able to make meaning from the survivors’ stories, faces and gestures, as well as their surroundings. Built-in distribution will include international outreach […]
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Virtual Chanukah Journey through Israel with Julian Resnick
International March of the Living hosted virtual Chanukah journey through Israel with Julian Resnick which aired on December 1, 2021. Click on the video player to watch the program. Channukah is the quintessential Jewish holiday as its meaning has continually, over the centuries, been reinterpreted, according to the needs of the Jews celebrating. From the […]
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Exploring the Narrative of Holocaust and Genocide Education in the Public Arena with Dafna Michaelson Jenet, Colorado House of Representatives
On November 17, 2021 the International March of the Living hosted a lecture with member of the Colorado House of Representatives and March of the Living Alumna, Dafna Michaelson Jenet. Explore with Colorado State Representative Member and March of the Living Alum, Dafna Michaelson Jenet, how she created, and was recently successful, in passing a […]
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Let There Be Light: 2021 Kristallnacht Commemoration
International March of the Living and The Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University present LET THERE BE LIGHT: Stories of Hope and Humanity to Illuminate the Darkness The program was simulcast on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 on the Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS), MOTL.org, Facebook Live & YouTube. 83 years ago, beginning […]
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Jewish leaders take park in March of the Living initiative commemorating Kristallnacht
This initiative continues against the backdrop of rising antisemitism already witnessed throughout 2021. On the night of November 9th-10th 1938, the Nazis organized the murder of Jews and the burning of 1,400 synagogues and Jewish institutions in Germany and Austria as part of the Kristallnacht pogrom. This event is one of the seminal moments that […]
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Memories of Kristallnacht: By a second generation survivor.
For my father, a strong Israel as the home of the Jewish people was the only answer to the lessons of Kristallnacht. Prof. Steinberg is taking part in March of the Living “Let There Be Light” global initiative in commemoration of “Kristallnacht” My father, Henry Steinberg, was born in Berlin – one of eight children, […]
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