83 years since Kristallnacht: “Jews are still unsafe”
Eve Kugler, a Holocaust survivor who was just a child when Kristallnacht occurred in Germany, returned to her hometown Halle, and visited the synagogue that was attacked on Yom Kippur two years ago Kugler: “I felt that the attack on the synagogue was a personal attack on me. I could not believe that Jews were […]
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Holocaust survivors who witnessed “Kristallnacht”: The world has not learned the lesson
Ahead of the commemoration of November pogroms also known as “Kristallnacht”, (9 November, 1938,) Holocaust survivors who as children witnessed the pogroms, are taking part in a global commemoration initiative led by the International March of the Living global, “Let There Be Light”, bravely reflecting on the dreadful memories of that night, in order to […]
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March of the Living to honor Paul Miller for his lifelong commitment to fighting hatred
International March of the Living announced today that Paul Miller will be awarded, on November 9th, for his extraordinary efforts in advocating for human rights and protecting human dignity. The award will be presented to Miller in a special commemoration broadcast to mark “Kristallnacht” by human rights activist and Chair of the Institute for the […]
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Portraits of Moral Choices during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: Stories of Perpetrators, Bystanders and Upstanders with Tali Nates
On October 27, 2021 the International March of the Living hosted a lecture with Historian Tali Nates as part of its continuing webinar series. https://youtu.be/L2bz6WwNC04 In this talk, we will explore the moral choices that were made by people, groups and governments during the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Tali will focus on […]
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Holocaust Survivors Return to Germany: The first delegation of March of the Living since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic
Mala Tribich, a native of Poland, who was imprisoned in Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany and was liberated from Bergen-Belsen: “Now I have completed the cycle of visiting the terrible places in my life.” 25 OCTOBER – BERLIN: Today, a March of the Living delegation from Britain embarked on its first educational journey since the […]
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International March of the Living to commemorate Kristallnacht across walls of Old City
Messages from around the world will be projected onto the Old City Walls of Jerusalem, on houses of prayer and public institutions around the world On the night of November 9th-10th 1938, the Nazis organized the murder of Jews and the burning of 1,400 synagogues and Jewish institutions in Germany and Austria as part of […]
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Facebook is an official partner of Let there be Light multi-faith global campaign
In our shared mission to fight antisemitism and hatred, Facebook is an official partner of our multi-faith global campaign. In supporting the International March of the Living “Let there be Light” initiative, Facebook Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, said in her speech at the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism in Sweden […]
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Statement on Anti-Semitic graffiti found at Auschwitz
International March of the Living condemns, in the strongest terms, the recent act of vandalism in which anti-Semitic statements were sprayed on some of the wooden barracks at Auschwitz-Birkenau. This blatant act of hatred, in the world’s largest site of mass murder – where over 1 million Jews were murdered – is a grim reminder […]
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80 years to the Final Solution in Eastern Europe – Marching to Ponar
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Lithuanian government, Jewish community and International March of the Living conducted a commemoration ceremony at the city square, which served as the Jewish ghetto during the Holocaust, ending with a march to the mass grave in Ponar. * Additional remembrance ceremonies took place nationwide, commemorating 200 Jewish communities annihilated during the […]
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Southern Wall Excavations – Jewish life and the celebration of Sukkot in Jerusalem in the time of the Temple with Assaf Boker
The International March of the Living hosted a guided tour with Assaf Boker in our continuing webinar series on September 23, 2021. Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage Jewish holidays where hundreds of thousands of our ancestors have ascended to Jerusalem to celebrate the holiday and to feel part of the Jewish collective. How […]
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