The International March of the Living is proud to be a partner in the world’s inaugural Holocaust Survivor Day, on June 24, 2021, along with many other organizations around the world, as we honor and celebrate the lives of survivors worldwide with joy and gratitude. We asked March of the Living alumni, friends, staff and […]
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Special Film Premiere of “Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations”
A special film premiere marking the first ever international Holocaust Survivor Day honoring the resilience, courage and contributions of Holocaust Survivors. International March of the Living is commemorating Holocaust Survivor Day by sharing the stories of Holocaust survivors transmitting their message to the next generation of witnesses during the March of the Living. The film, […]
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March of the Living congratulates Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog on his election as the President of Israel
President-Elect Herzog has a rich history of public service to Israel and follows in the footsteps of his beloved father Chaim Herzog, z”l, who served as President of Israel from 1983-93, and in 1945 was among the British liberators of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. In past years Isaac Herzog has been both a participant and strong supporter of the International March of the Living. He delivered the keynote speech at the 2019 March ceremony in Auschwitz on […]
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Speak Up Against Hate – Never Means Never
SIGN THE PETITION Antisemitism is on a global rampage. We cannot allow history to repeat itself – verbally and physically – on our streets, in our neighborhoods, and in our cities. We have learned and witnessed with our own eyes the brutal and inhumane consequences of unchecked antisemitism and unbridled universal hatred. Many of us, […]
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MOTL Stands with Israel
This week, Jewish People around the world will read Parshat Bamidbar. Bamidbar which means ‘in the desert”, begins the fourth book of the Torah: The Book of Numbers. Much of Bamidbar deals with the aftermath of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and the giving of the 10 Commandments on Mt Sinai. In vivid detail, Bamidbar […]
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Campaign
Today, April 19th, 2021 marks the 78th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising – the largest Jewish insurrection during World War Two, and the first urban insurgency in occupied Europe. The 2021 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Campaign has been hosted by the Polin Museum for close to a decade. Today hundreds of volunteers […]
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New educational resources from USC Shoah Foundation and International March of the Living
We are pleased to share with you a joint project of USC Shoah Foundation and International March of the Living using the most recent technologies to preserve and enhance testimony of Holocaust survivors. IWitness Introduction to Auschwitz This lesson activity in IWitness allows for delegations to engage students/participants online and is comprised of an introduction […]
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2021 Virtual Torch Lighting at Auschwitz
While we were not able to March from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Yom HaShoah 2021, we were there in spirit. A virtual ceremony was held and the memorial torches which we light each year were lit in memory of all of the victims.
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