Alumni Spotlight: Sabrina Naimark (’09, ’19), Panama
Sabrina Naimark (Panama ’09, Staff ’19), Founder and CEO, Impacta This week we are proud to feature Sabrina Naimark (Panama ’09, ’19), alumna from March of the Living Panama, whose experience on the March of the Living inspired her to found a company, Impacta, whose goal is to foster social impact to create a better […]
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March of the Living global interfaith initiative to commemorate Kristallnacht: #LetThereBeLight
Despite the fact that Kristallnacht, which saw the destruction of thousands of synagogues and Jewish institutions, took place 82 years ago, the world has still not learned the lessons of the past. Attacks on Houses of Worship of all faiths continuously occur, time and time again. This year, the International March of the Living launched […]
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Let There Be Light: 2020 Kristallnacht Commemoration
In honor of the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass, on November 9th, 2020, the International March of the Living aired our 2020 Kristallnacht Commemoration “Let There Be Light”, in partnership with The Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University, and the Jüdischen Gemeinde Frankfurt. The program included: […]
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Let there be Light Gallery of Houses of Worship & Institutions (2020)
Thank you to all of the Houses of Worship and institutions around the world who participated in our “Let there be Light” Kristallnacht commemoration campaign to fight anti-Semitism, racism, hatred and intolerance by shining light over the darkness of hate. Over 8,000 messages have been submitted from 72 countries, including 700 Houses of Worship and […]
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Let there be Light Projections in Jerusalem & the UK (2020)
International March of the Living Kristallnacht Commemoration projected on the Old City Walls of Jerusalem and Coventry Cathedral in the UK Help us send the message to the world, help us shine light over the darkness of hate by clicking here.
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The Hampton Synagogue Kristallnacht Commemoration (2020)
On the eve of the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass – International March of the Living World Chairman and CEO, Dr. Shmuel Rosenman, participated the first-ever Kristallnacht Commemoration with official participation by a Gulf state, hosted The Hampton Synagogue Rabbi March Schneier Community Center. Click on the video player below […]
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Presidents of Germany, Austria, and Israel say LET THERE BE LIGHT (2020)
“Eighty-two years, and the dark shadows of the past have not disappeared from our streets.” The Presidents of Germany, Austria, and Israel stand together in a joint call against hatred and antisemitism, on the eve of the Kristallnacht anniversary. It is our duty to bring light to the darkness. To remember the horrors of the […]
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Alumni Spotlight: Joana Kirsch (’19), Costa Rica
Joana Kirsch (Costa Rica ’19), Educator This week we are proud to feature Joana Kirsch (’19), alumna from the Costa Rican Adult delegation, whose experience on the March of the Living inspired her to pursue a career in early childhood education, where she helps instill a love for the Jewish people and Jewish heritage among […]
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Telling the Story through Art: Holocaust Art as a Primary Source
In our continuing webinar series, the International March of the Living hosted a lecture October 29, 2020 with Holocaust Educator Liz Elsby. Focusing on individual artworks, Elsby demonstrated how exploring the artistic aspects of each painting, together with the context in which they were created and the questions they raise, combine to deepen our understanding […]
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