• Alumni Spotlight: Brian Frojmowicz (’18), Argentina

    HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA LEER EN ESPAÑOL Brian Frojmowicz, Argentina ’18 (Martin Buber School), Student Activist This week we are proud to feature Brian Frojmowicz (’18), alumnus from Marcha de la Vida Argentina, Martin Buber School. Inspired by his experience on March of the Living, in which he was followed by public television documenting his […]

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  • RESISTANCE: Conversation with Jesse Eisenberg + Jonathan Jakubowicz

    The International March of the Living kicked off our new webinar series on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 with a conversation about the film Resistance with its star Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network) and director and screenwriter Jonathan Jakubowicz (Hands of Stone, Secuestro Express). The program was moderated by Dana Arschin, 2X Emmy Award-Winning reporter for […]

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  • Alumni Spotlight: Gábor Gordon (’03-‘20), Hungary

    CLICK HERE TO READ IN HUNGARIAN Gábor Gordon (MOTL ’03-‘20), Founder, March of the Living Hungary This week we are proud to feature Gábor Gordon (MOTL ’03-‘20), who was so inspired by his March experience that he founded the March of the Living organization in Hungary, Az Élet Menete. I am a born and raised […]

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  • Alumni Spotlight: Dana Arschin Kraslow (’18), New York, USA

    Dana Arschin Kraslow (MOTL ’18), Reporter, Fox 5 News New York, USA This week we are proud to feature Dana Arschin, ’18 alumna from the Sinai Temple Young Adult group. Inspired by her experience on the March of the Living, Dana, a reporter for Fox 5 News in New York, went on to document and […]

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  • Alumni Spotlight: Julia Sussman (’13 & ’17), Australia

    Julia Sussman, Australia Youth ’13, Staff ’17, Founder, Youth HEAR This week we are proud to feature Julia Sussman (’13, Staff ’17), alumna from March of the Living Australia. Inspired by her experience on the March of the Living Julia went on to found and direct Youth HEAR (Holocaust Education and Remembrance), an organization dedicated […]

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  • Alumni Spotlight: Kim Nates (’05, ’08, ’15-17), South Africa

    Kim Nates (’05, ’08, ’15, ’16 & ’17), NGO Marketing Consultant, South Africa This week we are proud to feature Kim Nates, alumna from March of the Living South Africa and the International Adult Delegation. Inspired by her experiences with the March of the Living, Kim went on to work with the Johannesburg Holocaust & […]

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  • Alumni Spotlight: Sharon Zaga (’92) & Mily Cohen (’98), Mexico

    We are proud to kickoff our new Alumni Spotlight series with Sharon Zaga (’92) and Mily Cohen (’98), alumnae from Marcha de la Vida Mexico. Sharon and Mily founded the Museo Memoria y Tolerancia (Museum of Memory and Tolerance) in Mexico City, where they currently hold the titles of President and Vice-President, respectfully. Open since […]

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  • Coming Soon…. MOTL Alumni Spotlight Series

    Coming Soon! Keep an eye out for our new Alumni of the Week Spotlight series, debuting soon. Each Monday we will feature a different alumnus/a from around the globe, highlighting the accomplishments they have achieved since attending the March of the Living program.

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  • Remembering Joe (Israel) Sachs, z”l

    We mourn the loss of Holocaust survivor and March of the Living educator, Joe (Israel) Sachs, z”l, who travelled with our Florida delegations for many years. Joe was born and raised in the small town of Przyrow, Poland. At the outbreak of WWII, Joe, a young boy of 12 years old lived with his parents […]

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  • We Are Here: A Celebration of Resilience, Resistance, and Hope

    https://youtu.be/qB1DwkPGcfM Join the International March of the Living and over 100 other museums and cultural institutions around the world for We Are Here: A Celebration of Resilience, Resistance, and Hope on Sunday, June 14 at 2:00 PM ET [or the adapted time for your local time zone]. Featuring award-winning media personalities Whoopi Goldberg, Dr. Ruth […]

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