March of the Living at NYC’s Celebrate Israel Parade 2019
Alumni and Friends from around the world celebrated Israel’s 71st Birthday by marching with our float in NYC’s Celebrate Israel Parade on Sunday June 2, 2019.
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Holocaust survivors tell their stories on location at concentration camps for 360-degree videos
Max Glauben was 13 when his family’s apartment was destroyed in the historic battle of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Eva Kuper was 2 when her mother’s cousin rescued her from a train in the frantic moments before it headed to the Treblinka death camp. Both lost parents and other relatives in the Holocaust. And both […]
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March of the Living transcends distinctions to provide a deeply meaningful Jewish experience
Knowing that the enemies of the Jewish people did not distinguish between Jews—affiliated or assimilated, religious or secular, citizen or immigrant—will give pause to those searching to expose cultural or political distinctions today. (May 2, 2019 / JNS) There are no words for the experience of commemorating the horrific death, together with Holocaust survivors, on […]
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First Emerging Leaders International Declaration Against Anti-Semitism, Racism and Intolerance
We are the Jewish people. We have always been a small nation with a resonating voice. Our 4000-year old story is rich with love and triumph, though rife with hatred and tragedy. In places near and far, innumerable, uncountable, there…and here, we have known anti-Semitism. Targeted, chased, expelled, isolated, killed, and nearly exterminated. We […]
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March of the Living Emerging Leadership Conference 2019
March of the Living’s First Ever ‘Emerging Leadership Conference’ Charges Millennials with Combatting Anti-Semitism On Wednesday, May 1, the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashoah), more than 200 young leaders from 10 countries – Jewish and non-Jewish – gathered at the Jageillonian University in Krakow, Poland, to take part in the first-ever ‘Emerging Leadership […]
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Holocaust Survivor Shocked that Antisemitism is on the Rise
“It starts with words,” Max Eisen says at every opportunity, “and ends up in very bad places.” When he landed in Canada at the age of 20, a short few years after the Holocaust had wiped out his family, he did not expect he would ever see antisemitism take on the shape of the Jew-hatred […]
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Residents of Exotic Lands to Join March of the Living
For students from Japan and Morocco, as well as the more than 50 countries and territories, March of the Living is a unique opportunity to learn both history and about past tragedies. Every spring, thousands of participants from around the world travel to Poland for the International March of the Living, where they study the […]
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Saved twice, Holocaust survivor also survives Pittsburgh terror attack
President Trump surprised the audience when he asked an elderly man, Judah Samet, to stand up during his State of the Union address. It was the night of the State of the Union address in the capital, February 5, 2019, and In Washington D.C. the debate was more heated than ever. The Democrats and Republicans […]
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Greek Jewry and The Holocaust
Before World War II, approximately 80,000 Jews lived in Greece in 31 different communities. By war’s end, only 10,000 Jews survived. The destruction of the Jewish community of Greece remains, more than seven decades after the conclusion of World War II, one of the lesser-known stories of the Holocaust. Before World War II, approximately 80,000 […]
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