• Interview with Holocaust Survivor Sol Nayman

    Gila Yefet interviews Sol Nayman, Holocaust survivor and educator and Eynat Katz, March of the Living participant.   [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cw5h4Ybh4w[/embedyt]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Rosa Saba, Mexico 2018

    Haga clic aquí para leer en español » Human? Humankind? Adjective qualifying a human being, a man or a woman in nature. Adjective qualifying a human being. A rational human being. An adjective that conveys understanding, sensitivity to other human being’s misfortune. Humankind… human nature, the human being’s own fragility or weakness. Sensible, compassionate to other […]

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  • Bearing Witness: Southampton Residents Visit Concentration Camps As Part Of ‘March Of The Living’ Tour

    “When you listen to a witness, you become a witness.” The words of Elie Wiesel were on the mind of Saundra Dubin, Robin Long and Deborah Kooperstein when they traveled to Poland last month with other Long Island residents. They were there to visit several concentration camps and other historic sites in Poland as part […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Arianna Weiner, Western Region 2018

    Transformation Beautiful are those whose brokenness gives birth to transformation and wisdom. ~ John Mark Green Background: Three weeks ago, I marched with 14,000 people from 52 different countries down the same 3-kilometer path leading from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day – Yom Hashoah – as a tribute to all victims of the […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Hannah E, Western Region 2018

    Today was our last full day in Israel. Our last full day in our people’s country. Our country. The past few days we have been celebrating this country because of Yom Hatzmaoot, but today we focused on our ancestors who perished like we did in Poland. We started at Yad VaShem, the museum for the […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Alan Dayan, Mexico 2018

    And as we walked through the gates of Birkenau, Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” was being played. Just a guitar and a woman’s voice. And as we continued our stroll along the train tracks, on our left hand side laid that part of the camp where the women used to live. And suddenly my mind started to […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Nathan M, Western Region 2018

    I hear birds chirp from the sky above and see butterflies flutter around the trees. I hope these are our people, watching and protecting us, and telling us their story, for us to never forget how their lives ended in such tragedy. It is unfathomable to think such tragedy occurred in a place of peace, […]

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  • Western Region’s Ode to Poland 2018

    I am proud to be a Jew and that my children’s children will never forget the Holocaust Love is worth dying for because passion lasts It is truly amazing to see that out of such evil and pure darkness, the Jewish faith can survive and flourish We are not victims, victimization is a mindset and […]

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  • Highlights 30th Anniversary March of the Living Jerusalem 2018

    [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOQ8_L4mk_s[/embedyt]

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  • March of the Living Mega Event 2018


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