• Alumni Reflections: Stephen Liebowitz, BBYO, 2011

    What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? BBYO Year(s) attended: 2011 What was the most memorable moment of your experience? Walking out of the gas chamber in Majdanek, reflecting on what I saw within those four walls. What impact did Poland have on you? Poland […]

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  • Prosecuting Eichmann: An Interview with Israeli Supreme Court Justice Gabriel Bach

    Justice Gabriel Bach, Eichmann trial prosecutor and Israeli Supreme Court Justice (ret.), fled Nazi Germany at the age of 18. Two decades later, Bach, then a deputy state attorney in Israel, served as the deputy chief prosecutor of Adolf Eichmann, one of the principal architects of the Final Solution. He is the only surviving prosecutor […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Murray Brown, The United Kingdom, 2017

    What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? The United Kingdom Year(s) attended: 2017 What was the most memorable moment of your experience? Saying Kaddish at Majdanek. What impact did Poland have on you? My family fled to the USA and the UK many years before […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Hannah Schepps, Dallas, 2012

    What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? Southwest Region, Dallas Year(s) attended: 2012 What was the most memorable moment of your experience? Just after the march, I was walking with a Rabbi around Birkenau listening to the wisdom he was sharing with me. As we […]

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  • March of the Living Statement on Extremism

    International March of the Living expresses its concern with the rising tide of far right and extremist sentiment in Europe and elsewhere. While not all extremist groups focus their efforts against Israel or the Jewish people, we firmly oppose any movement that advances the demonization of minorities and immigrants – whoever they may be – […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: N. Cohen, Southwest United States, 2012

    What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? Southwest United States Year(s) attended: 2012 What was the most memorable moment of your experience? The most memorable moment for me was when we visited a train station, and we were able to get into one of the […]

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  • New Tech To Offer Virtual Conversations With Holocaust Survivors

    JPost – With a slew of recent incidents clearly indicating that antisemitism is on the rise in the US and in Europe and the voice of Holocaust deniers resounding louder and louder, the need to preserve the memory of World War II’s atrocities has grown ever more pressing in recent years. But the commemoration of […]

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  • Remembering My Father Elie Wiesel On The Eve of Rosh Hashanah

    Forward – This time of year was a difficult time for my father. Did each September, or more precisely – each month of Elul in the Hebrew calendar – did each one get progressively more difficult for him as he got older? Or did I just get more attuned to his feelings as I got […]

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  • Seeking Justice After Atrocity: The 2017 Paul S. Miller Distinguished Lecture

    On Tuesday September 12, 2017 in New York, the International March of the Living, in partnership with Rutgers Law School, hosted The 2017 Paul S. Miller Distinguished Lecture “Seeking Justice After Atrocity” featuring presentations by John Q. Barrett and Eli M. Rosenbaum, followed by a video conversation specially produced for the program between John Q. […]

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  • Alumni Reflections: Donna Dambrot, HMTC, Friends of MOTL, 2014-16

    What is the name of the March of the Living Delegation / Group that you traveled with? HMTC(2x), Friends of MOTL ( Mel Mann, 1x) Year(s) attended: 2014, 2015, 2016 What was the most memorable moment of your experience? The March itself and the presentations in Birkenau were touching, empowering and beautiful. What impact did Poland […]

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