Who will tell survivors’ stories when they’re gone? by David Benson, BJE LA, 2015
In the spring of 2011, David Benson, found himself walking with his grandmother, Holocaust survivor Sidonia Lax, down the “black path” that once led to the crematorium at the Majdanek concentration camp in Poland. It was Lax’s fifth trip with the annual International March of the Living as a survivor, with the Builders of Jewish […]
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Alumni Reflection, Juliana Bentel, South Africa, 2017
Poland is a sad city because the people living there every day have to wake up mindful of the past (the ones that acknowledge the past). They carry this heavy burden on their shoulders day by day. That cold day we visited a mass grave of children, women and men that were shot in the […]
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Join a March while survivors can still share their experiences by Rabbi Gideon Sylvester, UK, 2017
Times of Israel – Imagine that your best friend is having a nightmare. He thrashes about in his sleep; crying and screaming hysterically. Naturally, you would wake him, comfort him and reassure him that everything will be alright. But when the psychiatrist Viktor Frankl faced this predicament, he resisted the temptation to awaken his friend. Instead, […]
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Alumni Reflection: Catalina Eps, ORT Argentina, 2017
Since I was a child, They taught me about the holocaust, they told me what happened, but it was not the same studyng the history than to see by myself what really happened. I could feel what they suffered, and even reasoned that it could have been me, that it was only a question of […]
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Alumni Reflection: Anna Valkin, South Africa, 2017
In this lifetime, according to basic societal norms, we have a responsibility to acquire as much knowledge as we have access to, and in turn, use what we’ve learned to improve the quality of our lives, that of our community and, as much as possible, our whole planet. The potential of a well-educated youth should […]
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Alumni Reflection: Tamara Waizer, ORT Argentina, 2017
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION: El 24 de Abril del 2017 marché, Marché por la vida, Marché para no olvidar, Marché para transmitir, Marché por nuestro pasado y por su futuro, Marché como testigo de lo que SI pasó, Marché por los sueños robados, Marché por los 6 millones de judíos que algunos me rodearon […]
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The Last Generation: Reflections on March of the Living by Dr. Tuvia Book, UK, 2017
Times of Israel – The feeling of exiting an ElAl plane in Poland is difficult describe. I felt like I was leaving a protective cocoon of “Israeliness.” Despite the warm spring weather I felt a chill as I stepped outside. This is the land of the murder of millions of Jews, including my mother’s entire […]
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Alumni Reflection: Yamila Sultani, ORT Argentina, 2017
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION… Siempre me interesó todo el tema de la Shoa, desde chica que me hago la misma pregunta, que todavía nadie consigue una respuesta, el ¿Por qué? No llego a entender como un ser humano pudo llegar a hacer cosas tan tremendas y utilizar su inteligencia para cosas negativas, como lo […]
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How seeing the horrors of Auschwitz changed the lives of young girls from Hilton Head
Hair made the unthinkable hit home. Ariel Shatz, 17, touches her long curls as she describes the feeling. It came last month, in a Nazi concentration camp in Poland. By now she’s back home, starting the summer before her senior year at Hilton Head Island High School. But Ariel and Alex Wynne and Elaina Urato […]
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