Alumni Reflection: Yamila Sultani, ORT Argentina, 2017
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION… Siempre me interesó todo el tema de la Shoa, desde chica que me hago la misma pregunta, que todavía nadie consigue una respuesta, el ¿Por qué? No llego a entender como un ser humano pudo llegar a hacer cosas tan tremendas y utilizar su inteligencia para cosas negativas, como lo […]
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How seeing the horrors of Auschwitz changed the lives of young girls from Hilton Head
Hair made the unthinkable hit home. Ariel Shatz, 17, touches her long curls as she describes the feeling. It came last month, in a Nazi concentration camp in Poland. By now she’s back home, starting the summer before her senior year at Hilton Head Island High School. But Ariel and Alex Wynne and Elaina Urato […]
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March of the Living participants share their experiences
More than 100 Broward County adults and teens met recently at the Posnack Jewish Community Center in Davie to discuss their emotional reactions and observations regarding their recent 14 day March of the Living program visiting both Israel as well as the concentration camps in Poland to remember the Holocaust. The March of the Living […]
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March of the Living was life-altering experience-altering experience by Ivan Cutler, Southern Region, 2017
After bearing immense grief, transformed into hope and exhilaration, a group of committed Guilford County Jews returned from the annual March of the Living spiritual-educational journey in Poland and Israel. Representing the Mid-Atlantic Region, Guilford’s group joined contingents from Southern Virginia and South Carolina in the intense educational program, attracting individuals worldwide to study the […]
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Alumni Reflections from Orloff CAJE, Broward County, 2017
The March off the Living experience doesn’t end when participants return home. The experience in Poland and Israel continues to impact our participants as they re-enter daily life. Recently, we held a reflection session. Here’s what they had to say:
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Six million people, Six million stories by Leanne Mitchell, UJS UK, 2017
How do you answer when people ask you how the trip was? I’m not sure that I can quite put it into words or if there are any words that can really sum it up. Thoughts were encircling my mind as to how and why anyone could deny another of their livelihood, of their family, […]
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Alumni Reflection: Josh Raikin, BJE LA / de Toledo High, 2017
We waited in line to enter one of the most efficient murder camps ever built, Auschwitz. It pains me to write the word “efficient,” knowing it was the Nazis’ goal to destroy human beings in an organized process. Like at a normal museum, we entered, wearing headphones, accompanied by our tour guide. Yet, this was […]
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LA MARCHA DE LA VIDA… 27 AÑOS DESPUÉS Alumni Reflection by Alice Sutton, Mexico, 1990 & 2017
There are experiences that mark you forever, experiences that fill your skin just remember them and you think you’ll never feel the same way again … but I was wrong. Today I had to live again the March of Life through my daughter Rosy who was there after 27 years of me having gone to […]
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Alumni Reflections from Panama Students 2017
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION … Semanas atrás marchamos junto a nuestros compañeros panameños a través del portón de Auschwitz, culminando una experiencia que cambió nuestras vidas. Nuestra delegación tuvo el privilegio de encabezar todas las que estaban en formación, marchando en primera fila. cargamos nuestras banderas con orgullo, dirigiendo a los 10 mil marchantes […]
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Alumni Reflection: Brianah Caplan, BBYO Song Leader, 2017
I had the privilege to be a part of BBYO’s recent March of the Living delegation. In addition to this, I was also given the opportunity to be the song leader for our group- I led all Shabbat and Havdallah services as well as provided meaningful spiritual moments throughout the trip to bring the group […]
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