Jessica Chastain on playing a Holocaust heroine in ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’
JTA – Strong women are right in actor Jessica Chastain’s wheelhouse. There’s Maya, the fictional CIA agent in “Zero Dark Thirty,” whose work led Seal Team Six to Osama bin Laden; Melissa Lewis, the heroic mission commander who refuses to abandon a teammate in “The Martian,” and Elizabeth Sloan, the accept-no-prisoners Washington lobbyist who takes on […]
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Should Mel Gibson Be Forgiven Because He Helps Holocaust Survivors?
Haaretz – Before his star rapidly plunged to earth following a series of image-destroying events — racist and anti-Semitic remarks, crude and drunken behavior and alleged domestic violence — Mel Gibson was a Hollywood power player, a wealthy, successful actor, director and producer. Now, more than a decade after his downward spiral began in 2006, […]
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Edgerton math class collects pennies for Holocaust fundraiser
GazettExtra—Eighth-grade math students at Edgerton Middle School recently were given an unusual assignment that went beyond their normal classroom lessons: Try to collect 1 million pennies. The fundraiser is part of an interdisciplinary unit where all subjects have lessons related to the Holocaust and World War II. For the past month, Dean Wanless’ math classes […]
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First Ever Holocaust Survivor Testimony in Room-Scale Virtual Reality to World Premiere at 2017 Tribeca Film Festival
Virtual reality lab LightShed, in partnership with USC Shoah Foundation, MPC VR, OTOY, Inc., and HERE BE DRAGONS, proudly announce the world premiere of the first-ever Holocaust survivor testimony in room-scale VR, THE LAST GOODBYE, at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival, presented by AT&T. The experience will premiere within the Festival’s cutting edge new media […]
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Holocaust Ghetto Photographs Survived Buried in the Ground – Gardeners 1940-1944
“The scarecrow too has to carry the yellow star.” Henryk Ross, Polish, 1910 – 1991. Boy searching for food. Photojournalist Henryk Ross was forced to work by the Nazi regime as a bureaucratic photographer for the Jewish Administration’s statistics department. He was one of at least 160,000 people held in the Lodz Ghetto in Poland. […]
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Holocaust survivor Eva Kor to receive Indiana’s top honor
IndyStar – Eva Mozes Kor, a Holocaust survivor who endured Nazi death camp experiments and founded a museum in Terre Haute to preserve that history, is being awarded one of Indiana’s highest honors. Kor, who lost much of her family at the Auschwitz death camp but went on to be an advocate for forgiveness, will […]
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Seeing the Holocaust through eyes of twins
The Straits Times – Pearl and Stasha Zamorski are identical twins in Auschwitz. At first, this is their saving grace; later, it becomes their ruin. The Zamorski twins are fictional, but much of Affinity Konar’s debut novel, Mischling, is steeped in fact, making it a harrowing and, sometimes, heartbreaking read. History has told us the […]
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Holocaust survivor: ‘I became B-1148 instead of a human being’
Yahoo News – Michael Bornstein was a small child when Nazi soldiers sent him and his family to one of the most evil places the world has ever known. “From what we’ve been told, children my age, about 4, survived about two weeks at Auschwitz. I was able to survive a much longer time,” Bornstein, […]
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Purim – Rejoicing the Holocaust that was diverted
Jerusalem Post – Purim has a special significance for me. My parents barely survived the Holocaust, and the rest of my extended family didn’t. This special significance reawakens every time I read the Megillah, and in my mind’s eye I try to translate the words of the Megillah into a realistic, historical picture. Purim in […]
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Rabbi Sacks on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel is dangerously wrong because beneath the surface it’s an attempt to delegtimize Israel as a prelude to its elimination. No Jew and no humanitarian can stand by and see that happen. Let me explain why. (Learn more from Rabbi Sacks visit www.RabbiSacks.org. Video produced by www.WhiteAnimation.com.)
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