Hungary blocks websites that deny the Holocaust
Court in Budapest orders temporary blocking of 20 websites that carry Holocaust denial material. A court in Budapest has ordered the temporary blocking of about 20 websites that carry Holocaust denial material, JTA reported on Wednesday. The websites in question sell the Hungarian edition of a book by a Swedish author that denies that the Nazis committed […]
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Last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor donates $1M to US Holocaust museum
(JTA) — The last surviving prosecutor from the Nuremberg war crimes trials has donated $1 million to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, in Washington D.C. Benjamin Ferencz will donate the sum on an annual renewable basis, up to $10 million, to the museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, according to a statement by the museum. […]
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Alums praise March of Living experience by Shayna Chazin
According to Shayna Chazin, “No one ever regrets going on the March of the Living — they just regret missing it.” Chazin has been heavily involved as a volunteer with the March of the Living – Southern Region — which has a territory including all of Palm Beach and Martin counties — for the past […]
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Holocaust Survivor Who Cut Hair at Auschwitz Closes Chicago Barber Shop After 60 Years in Business
A Holocaust survivor whose task it was to cut the hair of concentration-camp prisoners closed his Chicago barber shop after serving the local community for 60 years, local news site DNAinfo reported. Ben “The Barber” Scheinkopf, 96, posted a sign on the door of his California Avenue establishment, saying that with “great regret” he was retiring, due to “recent major health challenges” […]
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German lawyers expand Holocaust survivor outreach
Even if German authorities track down all surviving Nazi operatives and convict them as accessories to the murder of Jews in World War II, such work will not be done, German lawyers involved in such trials told a small gathering in Highland Hills Aug. 24. In fact, said Christoph Rueckel, the impulses that gave rise […]
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The Poles Are Friends to Israel, Not Holocaust Deniers
It was with disquietude and disbelief that I read Ofer Aderet’s report, “Yad Vashem Officials Slam Polish Government: ‘New Bill Is Very Close to Holocaust Denial’” (Haaretz, Aug. 24). It is unfortunate that the complex draft law approved by the Polish Council of Ministers on August 16 — which does not refer exclusively to the […]
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Letter to the Editor of the Canadian Jewish News
We were very disappointed to read Rabbi Dow Marmur’s negative remarks about the March of the Living, and fully agree with the response signed by the 26 Toronto Holocaust survivors who have dedicated their lives to sharing their stories and the lessons of the Shoah. International March of the Living completely rejects Rabbi Marmur’s description […]
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Just remembering is not enough in this climate
R eremembering is not enough, when people today are rejected because of their ethnicity, gender or belief. This is my view as I sit reflecting on the National Holocaust Centre and Museum’s 20th anniversary and the continuing need for Holocaust education today. I could not have imagined 20 years ago when the National Holocaust Centre was […]
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Actor makes documentary on Japanese who helped Jews escape Holocaust
TOKYO — A London-based Japanese actor has created a short documentary film that sheds light on individuals who helped Jews escape from Nazi persecution as well as those who have worked to see that this history is passed on. “There was a Japanese diplomat who issued visas in defiance of the Japanese government to allow thousands […]
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Our Responsibility As Third Generation Holocaust Survivors
The passing of Elie Wiesel serves as a timely reminder that one day soon Holocaust survivors will no longer be able to tell their own stories. In a world where Holocaust denial is rampant, Generation Y and Z prefer videogames to reading books, and sensationalist culture has inspired apathy to the horrors of mass murder, […]
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