• International jurists to mark double Nuremberg anniversary

    The Educational organization March of the Living, which each year after Passover brings people from all over the world to Poland and Israel to study the Holocaust, will mark the 80th anniversary of the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws and the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg trials with a gathering of international jurists in Krakow, […]

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  • Notable Nuremberg Legal Conference to Convene

    NEW YORK, April 12, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — March of the Living International will mark the 80th anniversary of the Nuremberg Laws and the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials with a gathering of leading international jurists, legal scholars and political leaders from around the world organized with the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, and Jagiellonian […]

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  • The Polish hipster who inherited a Warsaw building after discovering he’s Jewish

    Two years ago, the serenity of the residents at 62 Zlota Street was disturbed. Krzysztof Gutkowski and Ida Zagrzejewska, a thirty-something Polish couple, entered the large building in the Polish capital with unusual news. “Nice to meet you, we are your new landlords,” they told the dozens of speechless tenants. “They were afraid we had […]

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  • 500 Years Later The Mysterious Origin of the Word ‘Ghetto’

    Five hundred years ago, in the year 1516, the first official ghetto was established, in Venice. It isn’t that Jews hadn’t lived in isolation in Europe’s cities before. They had, by choice. The nature of their religious observance requires Jews to live near a synagogue, a Jewish butcher, and Jewish ritual baths, among other specialized […]

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  • Art From The Holocaust: The Stories Behind The Images

    A historic new exhibit, Art from the Holocaust, opened in the rear wing of the German Historical Museum in Berlin last week. For the first time ever, art from the collection of Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Museum is being shown outside in Germany. The exhibit features 100 works, mostly drawings and paintings, by Jewish inmates of […]

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    U.K. government officials forced victims of Nazi persecution to relive their harrowing experiences for years as they questioned their rights to compensation, newly released records have revealed. In 1964, the German government agreed to contribute a total of £1 million ($1.4 million) to a fund to compensate British victims or their dependants, and more than […]

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  • Holocaust survivor shares experiences with students

    A room full of junior high school students sat and listened attentively while Leah Goltzman shared her childhood story. The 78-year-old Holocaust survivor told about 130 Banquete Junior High School students at the Jewish Community Center to never take freedom for granted. Their eyes widened as the Poland native talked about moving from town to […]

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  • Imre Kertesz, Nobel Laureate Who Survived Holocaust, Dies at 86

    Imre Kertesz, a Nobel laureate who was acclaimed for his semi-autobiographical novels on surviving the Holocaust and its aftermath, died on Thursday at his home in Budapest. He was 86. His death was confirmed by Krisztian Nyary, the head of Magveto Publishing, which publishes Mr. Kertesz’s works in his native Hungary. Mr. Nyary said Mr. […]

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  • Personal experiences, lessons of Holocaust focus of discussion

    In 1905, a Spanish philosopher wrote words that have been repeated often during the past 111 years: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Other philosophers and world leaders have borrowed George Santayana’s thought through the years, but the notion is the same: Learn from past atrocities and make sure they […]

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  • 48 years since expulsion of Poland’s Jews

    By Daniel Schatz This month marks the 48th anniversary of the state-sponsored anti-Semitic campaign of March 1968 in communist Poland. The last remaining survivors of the Holocaust – in a country that, prior to the war, had more than three million Jewish citizens – were declared to be “foreigners,” “Zionists,” “cosmopolitans” and the ultimate enemies […]

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