Highlights from the 2020 LET THERE BE LIGHT Kristallnacht Campaign

Despite the fact that Kristallnacht, which saw the destruction of thousands of synagogues and Jewish institutions, took place 82 years ago, the world has still not learned the lessons of the past. Attacks on Houses of Worship of all faiths continuously occur, time and time again.

This year, the International March of the Living launched the “Let There Be Light” campaign, which strove to unite the world against the darkness of hate.

The campaign brought together messages of hope from people of all faiths, from around the world, as well as produced a 90-minute virtual educational program. 8,000 pledges were submitted from 72 countries, including 700 Houses of Worship and institutions, and participation of world leaders and celebrities.

This global interfaith initiative reached its peak on November 9th, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, with an impressive projection of collected messages on Jerusalem’s Old City walls and on the Coventry Cathedral in the UK.