Holocaust Memorial Group organise special event

Holocaust Memorial Group members (left to right) Oliver Pinsent, Annabelle Napper, Jasmine Sirs, Lois Joynt, Jake Hornsey and Caitlin Lloyd meet Holocaust survivor Lady Milena Grenfell-Baines.A GROUP of young people have organized a special event to highlight the devastating impact of the Holocaust and the lessons which should be learnt from it.

Since it was formed three years ago, the ‘Holocaust Memorial Group – Hartlepool’ – a group of 14 young people aged 13-19 – has been working to commemorate the Nazi persecution and subsequent genocides such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda and Bosnia.

On Monday, January 25 the group will be holding its third annual event, to share its research and experiences over the past year with an audience of young people, parents, teachers, councillors and other members of the local community.
Group member Oliver Pinsent said: “At a time when millions of people – Syrians and others – are suffering brutal and bloody persecution around the world, an event like ours has never been more important.

“We will be highlighting not only the terrible things which happen when people turn a blind eye to discrimination but also some of the inspiring stories of people standing their ground and helping to protect others.

“The message is clear – please don’t stand by and let persecution happen.”

Called ‘Don’t Stand By’, the event will take place at Hartlepool College of Further Education on Stockton Street from 6.30pm to 8pm.
Guest of honour and speaker at the event will be Holocaust survivor Gabrielle Keenaghan, whose father died in Auschwitz concentration camp.

Tickets are available free from Beth Major in the Youth Support Service on 01429-523900 but anyone attending is asked to bring with them one or more non-perishable items of food for donation to the Hartlepool food bank.

Original article published HERE