International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Israeli Holocaust survivors speak out against the growing trend of Holocaust trivialization and comparisons to Covid-19 measures

Dita Kraus, Vera Krieger, and Aliza Landau are participating in the #CantBeCompared campaign initiated by the International March of the Living and the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM)

Dita Kraus: “It is impossible to compare the Holocaust to anything. The Holocaust was unique, nothing is like the industrial-scale extermination of people in gas chambers. Nothing compares to this, and nothing ever will.”

Dita Kraus was born in Czechoslovakia and was 10 years old when the Nazis invaded. Dita and her mother survived the Auschwitz concentration and death camp. From there, she was sent to other camps, the last of which was Bergen Belsen, from which she was liberated. Her mother passed a few months after their liberation. “Comparing the pandemic to the industrial annihilation of the Jewish people is absurd! “In the Holocaust, they wanted to exterminate the Jews. The ‘Green Pass’ exterminates Jews? That’s simply ridiculous. The comparison is so absurd, it is impossible to compare the Holocaust to anything. The Holocaust was unique, nothing is like the industrial-scale extermination of people in gas chambers. Nothing compares to this, and nothing ever will.”

Vera Krieger, a victim of Mengele’s “medical” experiments:

“In the Holocaust, they sought only to kill people, including with injections. Mengele gave us injections for experiments that did not value human life. We receive shots today to live, whereas in the Holocaust we received them to die.”

Vera Krieger was a child in Auschwitz when she was forced to be a subject in Dr. Josef Mengele’s monstrous experiments. She survived Covid-19 relatively well: “At first, I felt very bad, I didn’t know what to make of it. I considered it an unfamiliar, invisible enemy. I was so frightened by the situation; I was concerned about the survival of our state and the population. When the vaccine was finally found, I felt calmer”, says Vera.

In a conversation with the March of the Living ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, Vera says she is very worried about people making comparisons to the Holocaust to describe pandemic regulations and she adamantly rejects the accusations, including those comparing the vaccine to the “medical” experiments conducted by the cruel Nazi “doctor”, Mengele. “Those who compare the two do not understand deep enough, and do not know enough about the Holocaust, because there is nothing to compare,” she said. “These were atrocities for which there are no words to describe.”

Vera, who personally endured the experiments performed on her and many others, says the vaccines are not intended as unfounded experiments but rather comprise a scientific solution for life: “In the Holocaust, they sought only to kill people, including with injections. Mengele gave us injections for experiments that did not value human life. We receive shots today to live, whereas in the Holocaust we received them to die.”

Aliza Landau: “When there are no more Holocaust survivors on earth, Holocaust deniers will sprout up like mushrooms”

Aliza Landau was just a one-year-old when the Holocaust began. Born in Lodz, Poland, her family suffered almost from the start. Aliza escaped death when she was able to crawl out of a death pit after holding on to her father’s leg. He had been murdered, shot dead, seconds before they both fell into the pit. Aliza found refuge with a childless couple. Her mother survived and found her when the war ended.

Aliza is participating in the #CantBeCompared campaign against Holocaust trivialization, distortion, and denial led by the March of the Living and the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM). Aliza stands up against this phenomenon that has gained popularity during the pandemic: “I’m not surprised by it. These are people who cannot be convinced with words, they do not listen to logic. One thing we might be able to do is prove that people can go through hell and still be human beings, build a company, rehabilitate themselves, go on living and educating children. They may be able to break our bodies, but not our spirit”.