Jonah Fienberg, Student, Broward County, FL, USA

Jonah Fienberg

Delegation: Broward County, FL, USA

1. What is motivating you to take part in the 2024 March of the Living?

I am motivated to take part in the March of the Living to serve as a testament to those who suffered at the hands of the Nazi’s during the Holocaust. By going on the March as a collective of young people and Holocaust Survivors, we are living proof that Hitler’s plan did not work, and that the Jewish people are resilient and stronger now than ever before.

2. Why is your Jewish identity important to you?

My Jewish identity is important to me because of the shared community around the world and throughout history that I am connected to. Attending Sunday school, overnight camp, and taking trips to Israel, I have furthered my connection to Jewish culture and developed a sense of what it means to be Jewish in my own way.

3. How do you feel about the rise in antisemitism that we see around the world?

The rise of antisemitism that is being seen throughout the world since October 7th is shocking and frightening. As I begin my college journey, I am afraid of what I will encounter and feel uncertain how I will handle being targeted as a Jewish student. However, I feel confident that I’ve been properly prepared to successfully navigate difficult conversations and respond to this rise in hate.

4. What do you hope to learn on the trip to Poland & Israel?

I hope to be able to have the experience of visualizing the true horrors and atrocities that Jewish people suffered during the Holocaust. Experiencing the raw emotion of the moment and observing firsthand, I can be a better ambassador to my non-Jewish friends in helping them understand all that the Jewish community has had to endure and how important it is that Israel be guarded as a safe haven for our people.

5. What do you think you intend to do upon your return home, as a follow up to what you have learned on the March of the Living?

I plan to become active with Jewish organizations on campus to support Israel and combat antisemitism.