Jerusalem Tour, Dinner & Light Show for March of the Living Alumni in Israel

As part of March of the Living’s new alumni initiative, on March 28th, the first gathering of alumni Israel occurred in Jerusalem. Alumni spanning over the from the years 2003 to 2018, enjoyed a beautiful evening in Israel’s capital, taking a tour around the old city, having dinner in Mamilla mall, and experienced the breathtaking City of David Light and Sound show. 35 alumni who found themselves in Israel, whether having made Aliyah or studying for the year in Hebrew emersion programs or post-high school gap years, came together to bond over their shared experience as MOTL alumni. Each alum expressed their appreciation for MOTL and how their experience played a role in their lives and was thrilled to have the opportunity to reconnect with this organization. Many alumni attributed their decisions to make Aliyah to their experiences in Israel during March of the Living. Sheri Stock from Montreal who attended MOTL in 2003 explained what makes this trip special is that it is not two experiences, one in Poland and one in Israel. Rather it’s parts are connected and depend on one another to make the experience complete. It is wonderful to see and hear about how a trip, for some taken over 15 years ago, still continues to impact participants and has led to many fulfilling their dream of living in the land of Israel. We look forward to hosting many more alumni events worldwide!