Lithuanian towns mark Holocaust massacres of Jews

Lithuanian president leads ceremony marking 1941 slaughter of Jewish community.

Illustration (Reuters)

Illustration (Reuters)

JTA – Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė called the Holocaust a tragedy of all of Lithuanua during a commemoration ceremony at the site of 1941 massacre of Jewish residents in the town of Molėtai in eastern Lithuania.

“Their memory is an uncompromising obligation for all Lithuanian people to fight against hatred, violence, discrimination, and indifference, and to respect and protect those who are around us,” Grybauskaitė said during Monday’s ceremony.

Relatives of those murdered in Molėtai and the Lithuanian Jewish Community organized a March of Remembrance attended by local residents prior to the ceremony. “This demonstrates that Lithuanians are changing, casting away primitive stereotypes, becoming open and tolerant as they uphold and defend human values,” said the president.

This week, Remembrance Marches also have been organized in other Lithuanian cities and towns that saw the brutal massacre of Jews 75 years ago. Lithuanians began murdering Jews before the Nazi invasion of their country, viewing them as allies of the hated USSR because the Jews were anti-Nazi.

Originally Published HERE