March of the Living participation at the Holocaust Commemoration Official Ceremonies at the European Parliament in Brussels

Today at the Official Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony at the European Parliament in Brussels, the First Vice President of the European Parliament, Ms. Mairead McGuiness thanked the Holo‎caust Survivors who attended and also thanked the March of the Living International for the presence of a group of young students from the Tachkemoni School of Antwerp.

The First Vice President stressed in the name of the elected body of 500 million European Citizens that the presence of such a group of young students who will visit Auschwitz with the March of the Living is an important signal‎ to the role of education regarding the Holocaust.

Every Holocaust Survivor received a white rose and was accompanied to the stage a March of the Living student.

Pictured: EU Officials, Speaker of the Knesset, President of the European Jewish Congress, Chief Rabbi of Brussels.