International March of the Living mourns the passing of Marion Wiesel.
Marion Wiesel was the wife and driving force behind Elie Wiesel Z”L, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Holocaust Survivor, celebrated author, and moral conscience of the world.
Marion Wiesel, herself a Holocaust Survivor from Vienna, translated her husband’s writing from French to English, and encouraged his career as a writer and eloquent witness to the events of the Holocaust.
Elie Wiesel attended the March of the Living on a number of occasions, sharing his compelling message with thousands of students on Holocaust Remembrance Day and Auschwitz – the same camp he was interned in decades before.
After his passing in 2016, his son Elisha continued spreading his father’s profound message of morality and memory, sharing his words with students on the March of the Living in 2017.
We know Elisha and his family will find comfort in the precious legacy his parents left for the world and in the knowledge of the millions of lives that were touched by their selfless and tireless efforts to preserve the memory of our 6 million martyrs.
We wish the family comfort among the mourners of Zion in Jerusalem.
See links below featuring Elie Wiesel and Elisha Wiesel related to the March of the Living: