Netanyahu Condemns Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest

Netanyahu said the contest reveals the true nature of the Iranian regime.

“It’s not only the subversive and aggressive policy in the area. The values on which it [Iran] is based on are denying the Holocaust, ridiculing the Holocaust and also preparing another Holocaust. I think that all the countries in the world need to stand and to fully condemn it. That’s what I said last night to [U.S.] Foreign Secretary Kerry on the phone,” Netanyahu told cabinet ministers.

Even with the signing of the U.S.-led Iranian nuclear deal, the prime minister and other Israeli leaders take Iran seriously when it threatens to wipe the Jewish state off the map.

Iran is known for funding terror groups committed to Israel’s destruction and has threatened Israel’s existence with its nuclear weapons program.

State Department spokesman Mary Toner said the U.S. is concerned the contest could be another platform for Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism.

Originally published HERE