‘Ode to Poland’ – Reflections by Western Region, 2017

2017 Western Region in Krakow, Poland

During the 2017 March of the Living, participants from Western Region each wrote one line reflecting on their experience traveling through Poland:

Poland was a roller coaster of emotions

Eye opening

Paradigm shifting and revengeful

We’re still here

Life changing

My eyes and heart have been opened through an amazingly journey with incredible people

Connections that will last a lifetime
Experiences that have forever shaped us

It became real when I saw the scratches on the walls of the gas chambers

My family history

The human race is baffling

A life changing experience

The best revenge is a navy Porsche


Life changing

Eye opening and insightful

United and empowering

We’re still living

A life changing experience

We triumphed

Polin here I rest. We rested for 800 years then our world was destroyed. We burn bright. We rise.

Poland is booming

My bucket list is great. Rypin #1

Beautiful country and cosmopolitan city

There is so much missing

I am a man of all weather

Eye opening experience that emphasizes the importance of being Jewish

Emotional and sobering

From sadness of the tragedies to proudness of being a Jew

Sad yet necessary. We will never forget

2017 Western Region in Lublin, Poland