• Non-Jewish Poles don yarmulkes to protest anti-Semitism

    On a quiet Thursday evening, Café Foksal in central Warsaw suddenly filled up with about 50 people wearing kippahs. The event was unusual for a city with very few observant Jews and an insignificant number of Israeli tourists. What made it exceptional is that almost none of the yarmulke wearers

  • The Holocaust Survivor Who Hated Anne Frank

    The last Holocaust survivor died last week. Well, Trudy (not her real name) wasn’t literally the last survivor – though that day is not far off. But she was my last Holocaust survivor, the last one I knew as a genuine friend, not as a congregant, or a colleague, or


    We sat together, both students of history at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) in the early 1970s. Even then, Yaffe Eliach, distinguished scholar in Holocaust studies and creator of the Tower of Faces, an exhibit of photographs on permanent display at the United States

  • This Day in Jewish History 1945: The Nazis Murder a Former Mayor of Berlin

    Jewish only in origin, Fritz Elsas had been a good German, but was arrested after the attempt to kill Hitler and died in a concentration camp. On January 4, 1945, Fritz Elsas, a former mayor of Berlin and part of a resistance group planning for a post-Nazi Germany, was executed

  • School Parade in Taiwan Featuring Swastikas and Nazis Unleashes Uproar

    TAIPEI, Taiwan — A high school parade in Taiwan in which students dressed as Nazi soldiers and carried swastika banners has created a storm of criticism in one of Asia’s most open societies. Hsinchu Kuang-Fu High School in Hsinchu City held the parade, which focused on Adolf Hitler, as part

  • Calling from the darkness: Music written by Holocaust victims recorded in new album

    From behind barbed wire and prison walls, as they watched friends and family members be sent to their deaths and wondered if they would ever be free, the inmates of Theresienstadt concentration camp composed music. Also know as Terezin, the Holocaust prison camp was situated northwest of Prague in what

  • Why Didn’t the Swedes Mobilize to Save Holocaust Hero Raoul Wallenberg?

    The very belated confirmation of the death of the Swedish diplomat raises new questions about economic and political interests – of the Swedish government and of his family – that may explain why the affair was not settled 70 years ago. A few weeks ago, the death was announced in

  • Neo-Nazi Calls for Armed White Supremacists to March Against Montana Jews

    The man who runs the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer has announced an armed march by white supremacists in an effort to harass a Montana Jewish community. The graphic announcing the march in Whitefish, Montana, that went online Thursday was published over a photograph of the entrance to Auschwitz and

  • Remembering Holocaust Hero Marion Pritchard

      TRANSCRIPT AILSA CHANG, HOST: We take time now to remember Marion van Binsbergen Pritchard who died this month at the age of 96. During the second world war in her native Holland, she helped more than 150 Jews evade the Nazis. Her son Ivor Pritchard told us how she

  • The road from perdition: former neo-Nazis find a way out

    After years of believing conspiracy theories that explained the perceived injustice they saw around them, as well as their own loneliness, past neo-Nazis are finding the support they need to change their lives and leave their hatred in the past. Felix Benneckenstein was a rising star on Germany’s far-right scene,